Graduate students
2022 - present - Paulo Henrique Pereira Nobre - M.Sc. student (co-advisor @ Universidade Regional do Cariri - PPG Diversidade e Recursos Naturais) - "Etologia do caranguejo dulcícola Sylviocarcinus pictus (Decapoda, Brachyura, Trichodactylidae) sob condições de laboratório"
2020 - present - Jônatas de Jesus Florentino - M.Sc. student (advisor @ USP - PPG Ecologia) - "Does resource value influence the evolution of animal weapons?"
2020 - 2022 - Aline Candaten - M.Sc. student (advisor @ UNIFESP - PPG Ecologia e Evolução) - "The evolution of dangerous weapons in gladiator frogs (Anura: Cophomantini)" Awards : Top 5 presentations at the First Vertebrate Comparative Morphology Conferece (link)
2019 - 2021 - Danilo Giacometti - M.Sc. student (co-advisor @ UNIFESP - PPG Ecologia e Evolução) - "How seasonality influences the thermal physiology of Iguania?"
2017 - 2019 - Fernando Benso-Lopes - M.Sc. student (co-advisor @ UFSM - PPG Biodiversidade Animal) - "Armas, sexo e brigas: Armamentos multifuncionais e disparidades no valor do recurso em Hyalella bonariensis (Crustacea: Amphipoda)" - "Weapons, sex and fights: Multifuncional weapons and resource value disparities in Hyallela bonariensis (Crustacea: Amphipoda)"
Undergraduate students
2020 - 2022 - Luiz Henrique Lima Silva (advisor @ UNIFESP) - "Chifres de besouros dissipam calor?" - "Can beetle horns dissipate heat?"
2020 - 2022 - Miguel Marson Battistini (advisor @ UNIFESP) - "Can thermorregulation influence the expression of sexual dimorphism?"
2018 - 2019 - Jônatas de Jesus Florentino (advisor @ USP) - "Vermelho é a cor mais quente? Diferentes colorações de garras do caranguejo Leptuca uruguayensis e sua relação com estratégias reprodutivas" - "Fifty shades of red: Relation between claw color and reproductive strategies in the fiddler crab Leptuca uruguayensis" - Award interview here
2014 - 2017 - Fernando Benso-Lopes (co-advisor @ UFSM) - "Does an exaggerated sexually dimorphic trait need compensation in an aquatic environment? A test in a neotropical freshwater crab (Aegla longirostri; Crustacea)"
2022 - present - Paulo Henrique Pereira Nobre - M.Sc. student (co-advisor @ Universidade Regional do Cariri - PPG Diversidade e Recursos Naturais) - "Etologia do caranguejo dulcícola Sylviocarcinus pictus (Decapoda, Brachyura, Trichodactylidae) sob condições de laboratório"
2020 - present - Jônatas de Jesus Florentino - M.Sc. student (advisor @ USP - PPG Ecologia) - "Does resource value influence the evolution of animal weapons?"
2020 - 2022 - Aline Candaten - M.Sc. student (advisor @ UNIFESP - PPG Ecologia e Evolução) - "The evolution of dangerous weapons in gladiator frogs (Anura: Cophomantini)" Awards : Top 5 presentations at the First Vertebrate Comparative Morphology Conferece (link)
2019 - 2021 - Danilo Giacometti - M.Sc. student (co-advisor @ UNIFESP - PPG Ecologia e Evolução) - "How seasonality influences the thermal physiology of Iguania?"
2017 - 2019 - Fernando Benso-Lopes - M.Sc. student (co-advisor @ UFSM - PPG Biodiversidade Animal) - "Armas, sexo e brigas: Armamentos multifuncionais e disparidades no valor do recurso em Hyalella bonariensis (Crustacea: Amphipoda)" - "Weapons, sex and fights: Multifuncional weapons and resource value disparities in Hyallela bonariensis (Crustacea: Amphipoda)"
Undergraduate students
2020 - 2022 - Luiz Henrique Lima Silva (advisor @ UNIFESP) - "Chifres de besouros dissipam calor?" - "Can beetle horns dissipate heat?"
2020 - 2022 - Miguel Marson Battistini (advisor @ UNIFESP) - "Can thermorregulation influence the expression of sexual dimorphism?"
2018 - 2019 - Jônatas de Jesus Florentino (advisor @ USP) - "Vermelho é a cor mais quente? Diferentes colorações de garras do caranguejo Leptuca uruguayensis e sua relação com estratégias reprodutivas" - "Fifty shades of red: Relation between claw color and reproductive strategies in the fiddler crab Leptuca uruguayensis" - Award interview here
2014 - 2017 - Fernando Benso-Lopes (co-advisor @ UFSM) - "Does an exaggerated sexually dimorphic trait need compensation in an aquatic environment? A test in a neotropical freshwater crab (Aegla longirostri; Crustacea)"